Troyodash Pally Girls High School

It is a Non-government School. This institute's EIIN number is 118565. This institute is located in Baintala, Satkhira, Khulna Division. It's geographical area is Plain Land. It offers classes up to Secondary level. Please refer to the table below for information on the EIIN, location, contact number, MPO status, and additional details.

Information At a Glance

Information Details
EIIN 118565 ( What is EIIN ? )
Location Baintala, Assasuni, Satkhira
Contact Info ( View mobile number )
Institute Type School
Offering classes up to Secondary Level
Division KHULNA
Post office BAINTALA
Union name BARADAL
Mauza name CHAK BURIA
Affiliation RECOGNIZE
MPO Status YES
Surrounding area RURAL
Surrounding Geography PLAIN LAND

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