Oyster English Medium School


Oyster English Medium School


Road no: 4
House no: 17
Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205


PG & Nursery (Morning): 8:00am to 10:30am
(Day shift): 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
KG-I & KG-II : 8:00 am – 12.15 pm
Std-I & Above: 8:00am – 1.20 pm


Phone : 9668866,

Mobile: 01552-454542


Welcome to the Oyster English Medium School, a Shell-fish that produces Pearl. We believe that every child, by born, bears the promise and potential to become a true pearl and the real accomplishment of a proper education system is to make the potential turn into pearl in the long run. As childhood is the terminal point of human life, it dictates to which direction life will move on. If this interval of life can somehow become well-designed, he/she never goes astray. Therefore, flourishing of potential pearls through developing positive attitude towards learning is our ultimate target.

Oyster English Medium School is located in a suitable location at Dhanmondi-4, close to Mirpur Road. Oyster has distinctive features like: spacious campus, beautiful decoration, kid’s playground, garden, natural aquarium and secured environment. We believe in classroom education and hence there will be less home task for the children.

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